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First High School Advisory Lesson-Check!

LeAnn Wills

It is important to have focus and a sense of reasoning for why we do the things that we do. Research in the field of positive psychology highlights the importance of meaningful work in terms of employment/organizations in addition to contributing to well being (Steger, 2016; Keyes et. at, 2012). I find discussing these topics with older youth to be so beneficial. Developmentally they are trying to figure out and define who they are and who they want to be. The transitional period of time they are in can be a golden opportunity to offer consistent support, education, and compassion while helping them through life's obstacles.

Looking towards future advisory lessons for seniors specifically I am excited and thankful to be a part of helping these students grow. I intend to plan lessons around the transition out of high school, character development, post-secondary options, and of course social and emotional support.

All my love,

LeAnn Wills


Keyes, C. L. M., Fredrickson, B. L.,, & Park, N. (2011). Positive psychology and the quality of life. In: K.C. Land, A. C. Michalos, & M. J. Sirgy, M. (Eds.) Handbook of Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research (pp. 99-112) Springer.

Steger, M. (2016). Creating meaning and purpose at work. In L. G. Oades, M. F. Steger, A. D. Fave, & J. Passmore (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Positivity and Strengths-based Approaches at Work (pp. 60-81). Wiley Blackwell.

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